Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Life is what you do it’s the way you spent your time.
It's what you keep close to you and how you make moments fine
It's where you keep your cool and what you die for
It's what you wish to leave and what you desire for
Today I changed my life….

Religion is the way you live, its what you see
It's what you believe in and what you want to be
Its faith in something divine, it's pure, it’s a spell
Its unique, its warm, its something words can't tell
Today I changed my religion….

God is what you trust the most, it's in your heart
It's what makes you happy; it's what controls your thoughts
It's what you look up to and it's something always with you
It means different to every one, yet it’s the only thing true
Today I changed my God….

So on this day of love, this day of valentine
When lovers express their love, together they spent some tome
I have changed my self and please pardon me O! Lord
Love is my life, love is my religion and she is my God

1 comment:

Creativity said...

Beautiful Heart Touching Poem!! Excellent..Keep It Up!!:)